Konec interneta, kot ga poznamo, 2012?


24. jul 2007
Znanstvena fantastika ali resnica?
sprasujem se.gif
Kaj mislite, ko preberete tale članek spodaj? Mene je šokiral.

The Internet As You Know It Is Slated for Death by 2012

It's probably safe to say that many of you reading this article right now came upon the NaturalNews.com website while you were roaming around on the internet looking for empowering information to help get healthy or to protect the good health you have. Can you imagine what it would mean to you to lose your freedom to search for free, unlimited and uncensored information on the internet? You may soon find out as the communications giants put into place their new plans to alter and control internet content, access and cost.

Since the internet began to gain popularity in the early 1990's, we as a society have had access to information at a speed and depth never dreamed of by our recent ancestors. About 1 billion people use the internet, and each of them is able to communicate with the rest of them anytime and anywhere on the planet. The internet was predicted to bring out the worst in people, but the truth is that it has brought out the best in us. Although our identities can be masked, as a people we have generally told the truth and acted fairly on the internet. We have only begun to realize to what level our awareness can be heightened by using the internet.

At a time when our freedoms are being hacked from underneath us, the internet is our bedrock of resistance. It is the only medium not owned, controlled and censored by big money and big power. It is only on the internet that we hear the truth about those who seek to dominate us and use us as pawns to further their own agendas.

Unfortunately, when there are profits to be had the needs of society don't matter. The truth of this statement is underscored by the activities of phone and cable lobbyists who are in a political campaign to further weaken the nation's communication laws. Their goal is to be allowed to operate the internet and other communication services as private networks free of government oversight.

At a time when telecommunications media are converging and companies are becoming vertically integrated, the communication giants and those who control them see bundled services as their way to impose near monopoly control over the information that flows into our homes via television, computer, phone. The magnitude of this change will end the internet as we know it.

According to information readily accessible on the internet, the effort is underway to charge per site fees on most internet sites. The plan will convert the internet into a cable-like system in which customers will sign up and pay for access to specific web sites and then pay al a carte to visit any sites beyond the package they have bought. It's modeled on the manner in which cable TV subscribers buy prepackaged service, leaving them open to purchase extra services on a per view basis. Many sites not popular enough to be bundled would disappear. Costs for the average internet user would soar.

FCC regulations have already allowed the phone and cable giants to gain greater control over broadband and eliminate longstanding regularoty safeguards. Companies providing internet access are not required to operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. It has been governmental regulation of phone lines that has helped make the internet the open, accessible and vibrant medium it is today. But now the effort is underway to privatize these networks and the government is slowly allowing this to happen.

Aside from filling corporate coffers, this plan to restrict internet availability will serve the power elite quite well if they are able to gain control of the country's digital destiny. The internet has been the one roadblock to the implementation of the elite's agenda set for the beginning of the 21st century, the next phase of the move toward One World Government, also known as The New World Order. Pockets of resistance have halted steps essential to the progress of this agenda, such as the current efforts underway by the people of Texas to stop construction of the Trans Texas Corridor. Internet restriction would go a long way in squelching this resistance.

Are the corporations right in their assessment of us? Will we be steamrolled once again or will we be willing to take a stand here at the threatened loss of our most powerful tool? Maybe we will realize that if we lose the internet, we will have lost everything.

You can learn more about the move to One World Government because thankfully today you still have free access to all the information on the internet. The film Endgame is a good place to start your education. You can watch it for free at
(http://video.google.com/videoplay?d...) .

The creator of the film, Alex Jones, also is the creator of a very informative website
(http://www.infowars.com/?artid=37217) .

When you first came to NaturalNews.com you may have thought the information here was radical. It may have taken you a few visits before you began to realize that at Natural News, you are being told the truth. You will probably have the same reaction to the Alex Jones sites, where the truth you are being told is so far away from what the mainstream media tells you that it is very unsettling at first.

After you have seen Endgame, you will probably want to research the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, and the Tri-Lateral Commission. And you can use your freedom to roam on from there. The more you find out, the more you will see how all the pieces fit together, and how the information you are getting from Natural News fits into the whole picture.

What you will find may shock you, cause stress and give you some sleepless nights. It is absolutely stunning in its magnitude. And yet this information is also very liberating and empowering. Many of the questions you have lurking in the back of your mind will be answered. Sir Francis Bacon had it right when he told us that "Knowledge is Power".


17. jan 2008
Sploh nebom do konca prebral, ker kr neki nakladajo večinoma, kar sploh nima veze z internetom najblolj butatsto sestavlen članek EVEAHHHHHHH!!!! Mi lahka, kar bistvo poveš zakaj naj bi blo konc interneta?
Nazadnje urejeno:


majski hrošč
28. jul 2007
Saj še današnji internet ni več tisto, kar je bil pet let nazaj. Najbrž, da bo tudi čez naslednjih pet let vse drugače.

Drugače pa je gornji tekst navadno nakladanje za brezveze.
Nazadnje urejeno:


24. jul 2007
To že ampak zdaj se je internet širil, neskončne informacije pa to. Zdaj pa naj bi naj ga začeli omejevati? Da bi plačevali za dostope na strani? Bullshit ali resnica?


17. jan 2008
Bullshit, ker pol se bi iz 1 miljardo uporabnikov zmanjšal na 1miljon jaz vem, da ga nebi tolk plačval grem rajš v kniženco


21. jul 2007
Z nekega planeta
Uporabnik keber pravi:
Saj še današnji internet ni več tisto, kar je bil pet let nazaj. Najbrž, da bo tudi čez naslednjih pet let vse drugače.

Drugače pa je gornji tekst navadno nakladanje za brezveze.

Meni se zdi internet enak od 95' ko sn mel 14.4kb modem, do danes ko mam 24MB,...

Vtipkaš www.xy.com in to je to.

Sicer pa nevem kaj pričakujete, katera stvar se pa te ne spreminja z leti?

Je pa definitivno danes internet 65x boljši ko mas vse ino dostopne v parih sekundah, štirinajst let nazaj sem v fotrovi pisarni
moral iskat da sn sploh kak page našel,...


2. sep 2007
v poslovnem kotičko sem malo nazaj nekaj pisal ker sem rabil pomoč pri enem poslovnem načrtu, ki ga delam. Članek sicer nisem prebral do konca ampak bom napisal kaj se po mednarodnih raziskavah, ki sem jih predelal, pa jih ni bilo malo ugotovil. Vlaganja podjetij v internet se bo definitivno močno zmanjšala in se preselila v mobilno reklamiranje in surfanje! Predvsem zato ker se pri mobilnih telefonih še pričakuje rast v takem internetu kot ga pa poznamo pa ne več. Za primerjavo upam da imam prave številke v glavi še dobrih 800 milijonov dolarjev je bilo usmerjenih v mobilne spletne strani in reklamiranje na le teh v tak internet kot ga pa poznamo pa več kot 20 milijard dolarjve v lanskem letu! Pol je še tu dostopnost povsod in močno pocenjeni prenosi podatkov in to je zaenkrat to!


iPhone Profi
20. jul 2007
Nakladanja... operaterji lahko na svojih straneh ponudijo storitve in zahtevajo plačilo za dostop do njih. Ne morejo pa po nobeni zakonski podlagi zahtevati plačilo za dostop do neke strani, ki si je ne lastijo. Ti operaterju plačuješ za dostop do interneta preko njihove infrastrukture... ne plačuješ jim dostopa do informacij (kar bi si oni želeli). Naš profesor na faksu pravi, da je internet tako osnovan, da bi moral imeti vsak zastonj dostop do njega. Seveda bi pa vsi operaterji radi zaračunavali storitve in ne dostop, kar pa je seveda neumnost. Lahko zaračunavajo svoje storitve (telefonija, iptv, vod, ...)... ampak ostale prosto dostopne strani na internetu pa ne morejo zaračunavati (oz. ne smejo).

Lahko si predstavljaš operaterja kot rent-a-car ponudnika... lahko ti zaračuna avto (dostop do interneta), lahko ti zaračuna dodatne storitve (zastonj bencin, dodatno zavarovanje, boljša oprema v avtomobilu). Ne moreji ti pa zaračunati obiska Ljubljane, Portoroža ali katerega koli mesta, kamor si se odpravil z vozilom.


2. sep 2007
Uporabnik Mikrohard pravi:

Lahko si predstavljaš operaterja kot rent-a-car ponudnika... lahko ti zaračuna avto (dostop do interneta), lahko ti zaračuna dodatne storitve (zastonj bencin, dodatno zavarovanje, boljša oprema v avtomobilu). Ne moreji ti pa zaračunati obiska Ljubljane, Portoroža ali katerega koli mesta, kamor si se odpravil z vozilom.

Kaj pa če te omejijo s kilometri pa "pod krinko" plačaš te naštete oglede?


Osebje foruma
17. avg 2007
Uporabnik vaginko pravi:
Uporabnik Mikrohard pravi:

Lahko si predstavljaš operaterja kot rent-a-car ponudnika... lahko ti zaračuna avto (dostop do interneta), lahko ti zaračuna dodatne storitve (zastonj bencin, dodatno zavarovanje, boljša oprema v avtomobilu). Ne moreji ti pa zaračunati obiska Ljubljane, Portoroža ali katerega koli mesta, kamor si se odpravil z vozilom.

Kaj pa če te omejijo s kilometri pa "pod krinko" plačaš te naštete oglede?

To pa je potem analogno recimo mobilnemu internetu, kjer plačuješ količino podatkov (nekateri mobilni imajo celo flatrate).


iPhone Profi
20. jul 2007
Jah... če te omejijo s kilometri, je enako kot če bi te omejili s prenosom podatkov "download cap". Te zadeve so pri tujih operaterjih zelo popularne... pri nas pa tega še nikjer nisem opazil. Smo glede cen interneta kar v lepem položaju.
Jaz mislim, da se kaj takega (kot je opisano v članku) ne bo zgodilo. Morajo narediti kar popolnoma nov internet, če želijo na tak način zaračunavati (ampak tak "internet" se nikoli ne bi prijel).


2. sep 2007
kar pa se omrežij tiče v načrtu je da se do januarja 2010 postavi 4g omrežje ki bo omogočalo hitrosti do 100 mb/s! Je pa to na nemškem območju za nas ne vem kako je stanje! Mobilna omrežja se bodo vedno bolj širila uporabnikov s mobilnim telefonom pa je ogromno!


iPhone Profi
20. jul 2007
To je res... celotna telekomunikacijska branža strmi h konvergenci. To pomeni, da bo na vseh napravah dostopno vse s podobno kvaliteto. 4G omrežja se sicer že napovedujejo in v laboratorijih testirajo. Ampak glavni problem tukaj je, da ni še nič konkretnega standardizirano... in zato jaz komercialnega 4G omrežja ne pričakujem še kmalu. Sicer pa... ko bo pri nas 4G 100mbit/s brezžično omrežje, bo tudi 100+Mbit/s (tudi 1+Gbit/s) preko optičnega omrežja dostopen za bolj normalno ceno.


2. sep 2007
mislim da bo D telekom tisti ki to predvideva za štart v januarju 2010 sam me pa ne za besedo držat ko imam to študijo doma na računalniku in pišem iz glave sam datum pa drži. Vse to se predvideva da bo krivo za rast mobilnega interneta!


25. jul 2007
To je bullshit. Je pa zadaj nekaj resnice. Gre za ponudniki v ameriki so že začeli blokirati torrente. Lahko pa kaj hitro privede do tega, da bo kak senator prišel do kake nore ideje, kot so že v preteklosti poskušali z obdavčitvijo emailov.


Osebje foruma
17. avg 2007
Bittorrenta se v praksi ne da blokirati (izjema so računalniško totalno nepismeni, ki ne bodo znali zaobiti zaščite). Ko bodo stvari enkrat kriptirane, bo nemogoče ugotoviti kaj se pretaka med računalniki (videli bodo samo random podatke).
Sicer pa že zdaj, ko je promet še nekriptiran, ne znajo narediti neke učinkovite blokade torrentov.


Alter Mafia
7. jun 2008
Uporabnik kelih pravi:
Sploh nebom do konca prebral, ker kr neki nakladajo večinoma, kar sploh nima veze z internetom najblolj butatsto sestavlen članek EVEAHHHHHHH!!!! Mi lahka, kar bistvo poveš zakaj naj bi blo konc interneta?
Kako veš, da je butast, nisem bral ampak so za leto 2012 napovedovali nekakšno solarno nevihto, ki bi sprostila EMP sunek, ta pa naj bi uničil vse kar ima čipovje in ostali drek, če je res ne vem, če je točno pa tudi ne, tako je pisalo na RN nekaj časa....


13. avg 2007
tudi za prehod v leto 2000 je bil napovedan zlom vsega elektronskega. eni imajo preveč domošljije